SJA students in grades three through eight are welcome to join their grade-level math team to compete in Catholic Math League, a nationally recognized math contest.
We hold an after-school practice session before each test date to work on strategy, time management, and content. Results are posted on the CML website. Each family can choose to keep their child’s score anonymous on the public site or have their name posted. All team members take the test simultaneously and in-person. Testing and practice sessions are held on Thursdays (see dates below) in the library from 2:35-3:15. The fee for this club is $15. For more information, visit
Questions? Contact Mrs. DeMaio at [email protected].
Permission Slips to register can be found in "Parent Tools" under the parent portal.
Practice/Test Dates
Tests: Nov. 7, Dec. 12, Feb. 6, March 6
Practices: October 24, Nov. 21, January 23, and Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2025
CML Contest Rules