Saint John the Apostle School is a faith centered academic community based on the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. We are committed to serve all regardless of race, nationality, or religion. To prepare students to be responsible adults in an ever-changing world, our goal is to focus on academic excellence as well as instill spiritual, moral, and social values.
Children are our community's most valuable asset, capable of achieving their potential when given the proper guidance and support in our school community. A child's self-esteem is essential to success and must be supported by parents and the school community.
Each child's inherent worth is recognized concerning cultural differences, individual abilities, and unique talents. Children educated in a Christ-centered environment develop spiritually, academically, physically, emotionally, and socially.
Learning is a lifelong process. Children learn at different rates and in different ways from a variety of sources. Instruction must be differentiated and engage all learners with an emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving. A child's educational success is a responsibility shared by parents, school, and the community working in harmony. Children learn Christian values and ethical conduct taught by parents, reinforced and modeled by the school, and demonstrated through life choices.
Children have a right to feel secure, safe, and supported in their school environment. Children will develop a lifelong commitment of discipleship and stewardship based on the teachings of the Catholic Church.
St. John the Apostle School is a National Blue Ribbon School. The announcement was made Thursday, September 15, 2011, by U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan. St. John the Apostle School was one of 49 private schools from across the country to receive the prestigious honor. The Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes schools whose students achieve at very high levels.
This award is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our faculty. At St. John the Apostle School, we are continually striving to ensure that the academic program we deliver meets the needs of our students while encouraging them to do their best.
Many hands and minds were put to work as a team united toward a common goal: achieving the Blue Ribbon nomination. The application had us answering questions about our curriculum, assessment, staff development, and history. Faculty wrote content, gave additional application critiques and devoted hours and hours of their time.